A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

note: The cover image for this page was created with generative AI

War of Steel is a prototype of a tank combat game with MOBA-like controls to create a tank combat game that controls differently from any other. Carefully adjust the timing of your shots,  your angle of attack, and your direction of attack to defeat the enemy tanks while preserving yourself. Repair your tank and craft ammunition in the heat of combat.


- Left click - Set move destination for tank

- Right click - Set target for tank turret gunner

-A/D or <-/->  - Rotate Camera

- Space bar - Fire tank turret. The turret loader will reload the turret for you.

- S - Come to a full stop. Clears your target move destination.

- R - Open crafting menu. From here you can repair your tank by clicking on the armor plate you wish to repair. You can craft ammunition using Steel recovered from the battlefield.

- ESC - Quit 

Your tank is equipped with a manned bow gun. It will automatically shoot at infantry in range.


To damage a tank's "core" you must first destroy an armor plate (front, left, right, rear, turret). Once destroyed, any damage to that side or armor plate will damage the tank's core. When the tank's core is destroyed, the tank is destroyed. Tanks are weakest at the sides and rear.


Defeat all enemies in the town.


War of Steel(Windows).zip 61 MB
War of Steel (Linux).zip 63 MB

Install instructions


  1. Extract the .zip file
  2. Run "War of Steel.exe"


  1. Extract the .zip
  2. CD to the directory and its "Linux" subdirectory
  3. chmod +x Linux.x86_x64
  4. ./Linux.x86_64 

note: the movement and target indicators for the player don't seem to be working in Linux. Sorry lawl


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Good demo so far, controls could use some work, as well as the crafting system's ease.